Parents Interaction

Parents Interaction

Parenting is in no doubt the hardest job because there are no manuals, or laid down procedures to be followed. We know that every parent dreams of nurturing their children to be the best that they can be in life. We understand parents’ expectations of their children. As a child grows and develops so do the expectations become greater and higher. Different parents have different standards of what they expect from their children. Some place the bar very high whereas some give their children a free reign. Regardless of the different approaches to this the bottom line is that all the parents want the best for their children.
Chaitanya has a good tradition of inviting the parents to the campus. They will ascertain the facilities, amenities, discipline and standards maintained by CDU. We regularly inform the parents regarding the academic progress and attendance of their children. We regularly send messages to the parents through SMS to their respective registered phone numbers with the institution, if the students are not regular in attending the classes, fail to maintain the required percentage of attendance or do not perform well in the internal assessment examinations. We make parents as our partners in shaping the students and their bright future. Parents are advised to get in constant touch with the Principal or any subject teacher to keep track of the academic progress and behaviour of their wards.